
Noxxi Greenrose

Noxxi Greenrose by ArtfulBeast

“Think of me as a person, not a deity…”

Noxxi Greenrose is the indirect creator of the universe she resides within as an immortal cosmic being. In terms of power, she can be considered a Goddess, but she refuses to be seen or act as a traditional deity. She has the ability to create life on any type of planet and surface no matter of environmental conditions. Although not every life is created directly by her, few life forms have had come to existence through the universe without her influence. As a cosmic being she can be seen as the ‘Goddess of Life’ within this universe, while her counterpart, The Blackrose, can be seen as the ‘Goddess of Death’.

She often distances herself from life she creates, because occasionally her creations and certain races ended up considering her as their guardian or deity. Therefor she often roams her universe, but rarely she ends up settling down on a specific planet for different reason. Her current residence is Planet Nysh, where she is known as the Lady of Mystery, the Mysterious Lady and the Green Lady. However several individuals have got to know her true name, but her actual name is generally not well known among the people of Nysh.


General Physical Appearance:

In her default physical form she has a very feminine, tall and slender body with no fur, but green skin with a slight yellow tone to it.  Her entire color scheme is based on green with a hint of yellow colors, no part of her has any other color than white to green to dark green or black (for example, her tongue is dark green, much like the color as her limbs). Below her elbow she has small dark green, bubble-like, smudged circle patterns that quickly transition into dark green skin on her lower arms, hands and down from about her thighs. The skin on her front and chest part has a much lighter color. Since she wasn’t born in a ‘traditional way’ in her current state she has no belly button, instead she has a dragon wing-like mark on her belly.

Her face is the same color as her body in general, she has very light green freckles with one definitive larger freckle under both eyes near its corners. Her eyes are green as well and her iris resembles more of a fox-like look. Her skin naturally has a lighter color around her eyes and on her eyelid, much like an eye highlight. Her ears are similar to fox ears, but slightly longer and are covered with green fur. She has an unusually long and bushy tail that is darker green green at the base and slowly transitions into a lighter color at the tip, this also resembles a fox tail.

Her hair is matching with her tail, it is very long and dark green at the base, turning slightly lighter at the tip of it. Generally her hair is rather ruffled and “bushy”, often could be described as a hair one experiences with long hair in the morning after waking up. Her hands and feet are very human-like with the difference the nails are longer and more claw-like.

In different shapeshifted forms of any being, she always keeps the same color scheme and keeps the pattern alongside in some way or form whenever it is possible by the shape she took.

Noxxi Greenrose by Maoxfhan

Cosmic Appearance:

To be added. [WIP]


Noxxi is a rather kindhearted and friendly person toward most who also bear similar traits. While she distances herself away from groups of people and crowded places, like towns and cities nearly all the time, she can genuinely enjoy the company of a single individual. She is curious about people, she enjoys finding out their desires and dreams. While she tries to be kind to every being, she cannot help, but be biased by her previous life’s experiences as a mortal human-like being, thus she highly dislikes planets where civilization is based on conquering and/or violence. At the very beginning she tried to force peace upon such races, but quickly realized, she wouldn’t do good with forcing her perspective of life onto other beings. This way grew to respect that some races evolve with such behaviors, and she simply chooses to not intervene or stay close to planets inhabited by similar culture.

While she seem to be an ever so sunshine person, she does have her own struggles and both positive and negative emotions, which usually cannot be felt or seen much by other beings due to her soothing aura. She struggles a lot with her own existence, which sometimes tends to bring her down or cause a temporary depression. It is nearly impossible to make her angry and such behavior has never been observed by any living being.

As mentioned before, she mainly distances herself from dense populations since she doesn’t want to be seen as an oddity, due to her more definitive appearance and due to past experiences with species that seen her and nearly treated her as a deity that exists to save them from anything. She doesn’t want to be seen as God or any kind of deity, she isn’t a guardian. She knows she has flaws and cannot be perfect and that she can neither make the best decisions.

History & Past Life

In her previous life, Noxxi was a human-like person on a rather “post-apocalyptic” and recovering Earth-like planet in a different universe and time. There she was an imprisoned person along with many other people who shared the same life and fate, since the technologically advanced people created domes of smaller settlements, capturing and ruling over other people. Not many had the luxury to live like a normal person in most of these institutes and settlements.

The leaders often trusted only their own inventions and tech, and a very few people around beside themselves, mostly the already rich and those who possessed great knowledge for technology. In her past, she was born into an enslaved family within one of these establishments, that she quickly lost within a few years. Since she became an orphan she was forced into a mandatory education in order to sort out whether or not she will be for any use later or not. They taught very basic education to children, enough to do their tasks later and to be used as tools.

While most of the planet were recovering at the time, many never wanted to leave these establishments and were taught that trying to break out or leaving would mean their end, due to the harsh environment and genetically mutated animals. While this was partially true, since escaped people were caught and slain, they were also shown as an example nearly everywhere to manipulate people to believe the harsh environments and conditions outside. At the time Noxxi was one of these people who believed the outside would mean the end to anyone, while also despising the existence of this place where people like her were treated like tools and animals.

Until one day when she found a lost scrapped black note through one of her cleaning route, that was similar to what some of the scientists tend to use. A black paper seemingly containing nothing, until it is held against a light source to reveal text. While struggling to read it, not understanding many words, she understood the context of the writing. There were no harsh conditions outside the settlement, the text mentioned flourishing areas of plantation, fruits and vegetables, animals and the like. The planet was well recovering after the apocalyptic war. In fact, this institute happened to have two outside branch that were the “gatherers” and “hunters”.

This information was quickly spread around, to her demise. She was swiftly sentenced to execution. All the lies and illusion these people created, only to make others suffer, so that a few could live a luxurious life. This was the point where she both wanted the end of her life, but wanted to live. Pass from a world akin this, but wanted to live somewhere, where she wouldn’t suffer by others. The mix of her emotions and will was what sparkled this event, at the moment of her execution, where she stood between Life and Death. She split and chosen Life.

But Death… that remained.

A Universe Within a Universe

It is not acknowledged or known by Noxxi herself, but her entire inside is another universe, which is why she is able to create life or even restore life. The universe within her is infinitely expanding, with life and galaxies and systems inside. This inner universe contains the fury part of The Blackrose, who constantly destroys within this cosmos.

Through Noxxi, all the materials and life destroyed finds a new way to existence within her own universe, but without her knowledge. Every life she creates directly has the essence and energy of one that previously lived within her. Though when she reaches her cosmic form, she is unable to fully perceive herself, but it exposes the galaxies, shimmering akin to stars within herself.

Abilities & Powers

While being immortal, she is actually capable to suffer minor injuries visually and she can feel physical and emotional pain as well. Although, the only beings who are capable of actually injuring her is herself and The Blackrose.

Creation of life is her main power. She is capable of creating any life onto any surface, environment and condition. Her power allows different lives to be created, no matter what element or matter they are based on that becomes extremely adaptive to its birth conditions and will accelerate their evolution and selection to the point until they fully adapted to the environment, eventually creating multiple species on a planet.

She is able to revive or re-create nearly any fallen life as long it’s been recent. She is also able to flourish life by her mere presence or touch.

Planetary restoration. In some cases she has the ability to fully restore a planet to its certain previous state. This will both re-shape the planet to the given point and also revives and re-creates fallen living beings.

One of her greater ability is to change her size, which essentially has no limits, however her physical form automatically turns into a cosmic form after a certain limit, but she is able to keep expanding in cosmic form to infinity. Shrinking neither has a limit for her, however there is no point for her to go below a limit.

Her physical strength is great and is also linearly linked with her physical size as well, albeit she is fully unable to harm any living being directly or indirectly. This can be easily explained, if she would hit a human being with force enough to also launch the person away and hit the ground, the forces would apply to a small extent, but no harm would be done and no pain would be felt. She will never be able to harm anyone neither directly or indirectly. In directly, if she would tell you to walk off a cliff, and you would do the action, it would mean that she wanted you to harm yourself by a decision affected by her or her actions, this way you could walk off a cliff, fall and have no harm nor pain. She could stomp on you with a gigantic size, and you would not feel a thing at all.

Her other main ability is shapeshifting. This ability has some restrictions for her, since she can only shapeshift into beings that she had physical contact with. She needs to touch a living being before she is able to take up the shape of the same race, although, with her own colors and skin patterns, whatever creature they might be. While by default she has a feminine look, she is genderless as a cosmic being, however, in any shape or form, she can only take up a fully genderless neutral form scaling toward the female side of the given species with its features.

Complete freedom is a passive power she has, which makes her incapable to be trapped or sealed away against her will. In this case, she simply appears out of where she was sealed into by outside force against her will. Other than this conditional ability, she has no ability that allows her to teleport directly.

Her surrounding area is always calmed by her Soothing Aura. It always eases both physical and emotional pain. Being capable of feeling emotional pain or negative emotions can not feel any negative emotion, distress, stress or similar emotions and feelings while being near her and within her aura. Albeit she herself is excluded from her aura. This passive aura also affects the nearby weather to her sudden change in emotion negatively, if she happens to cry, the wind rises, if she feels distress or depression, it rains.

She is able to learn one’s desire and dreams. With a single touch around a being’s head, she is able to learn what one desires and what their dreams are with full context and memories.

Cosmic language is what allows her to be able to speak any language and to be understood by any living beings no matter the form of communications. When she speaks, it is understood by all beings she speaks to, and naturally she is able to understand everyone.