The world

Yri, the magic of Nysh

Yri (pronounced roughly as ‘e-ri’ or similar to ‘eerie’) is how people call the magic found on Nysh. Yri is a positive energy with healing and partial animating properties and powers, it is a literal life essence. The source of this energy is Noxxi herself, it is her mere presence that emits this energy through the universe, however it is only generated in her immediate surrounding, which mean it is only found on planets where she settles on for a longer time.

Yri is invisible, has no scent and physically cannot be touched at least not in the normal sense, it is however found in the air, but not everyone or everything contains it. It can be soaked up and absorbed slowly by simple being exposed to it. The density of Yri differs all over Nysh, in some areas it is very scarce while on some other areas of the planet it is rather dense. While physically cannot be touched, it is indeed lightly affected by general air movement like strong wind. The most dense area of it on Nysh is the Forest of Mystery, which is Noxxi’s personal home space. Since she spends a lot of time around the forest and within its lake, the forest and the lake themselves are great alternate sources of Yri as they absorbed so much of this energy that they emit it as well. The forest itself is a main circulation point of the essence as well, since nothing and nobody can purely contain it infinitely, it keeps slowly circulating by being absorbed and emitting it. This way this area is a great pulsing heart of Yri.

This energy has mainly healing properties, but it has to be focused to be able to heal. It is also able to animate certain objects, naturally in very high density it is able to move or animate objects like trees, plants and even their fruits. While it doesn’t turn them sentient or living, they do act as one occasionally. Trees for example may absorb such amount of Yri that they will slowly shuffle their roots around, essentially changing their locations very slowly. Plants won’t relocate themselves, but they may do irregular movements. The effects of it can vary.

When used and focused properly, it can be emitted or transferred into another object or being. In case of inanimate objects, when it is transferred into one, the essence can be used as a power-up or as a battery. Nowadays it is common on Nysh that people create Yri Carriers, which are varied sized objects (from sizes that fits into a person’s palm up to a person’s-size) containing a large amount of concentrated energy. There are specific materials that can contain more energy and for longer period of time than others. These can be used for various uses, but they are mainly used for vehicles, especially Aerosence ships to keep them up in the air to sail with them above ground, or others such as carts and wagons. Some parts of the world also use it as a source of electricity, since Yri is generally easy to ‘harvest’ out of the air and to contain it and concentrate it.

People who focus on healing usage of Yri are called Zelion, this is mainly treated as a title to distinct these type of people within towns and villages. While Medics are common, many of them are also a Zelion. The greatest of these healers and medics are from Neyhro (the continent). Healing efficiency really varies from how well the person is trained to focus their magic and how much of it can be transmitted. It cannot heal or mend inanimate objects, but is able to heal other living beings such as trees, plants. It is able to restore not completely destroyed vegetation. Efficiency for other living beings varies between restoring small superficial injury to healing broken bones, but it cannot restore lost limbs or greater missing parts. If a limb is lost it will only close and heal the open wound of a person or animal, but will never restore limbs such as legs or arms, however with greater skill and focus, one is able to restore a lost finger tip, but not a complete finger. However if a lost limb is immediately attached it is possible to restore the limb to its original state, but this requires a lot of skill and magic.

It is not capable of direct destructive power, but it is possible to abuse it in some way or another. Yri is also more conductive through direct contact and it makes absorption easier. There is a certain limit of the amount one can absorb of it, even Yri Carriers have a maximum capacity regardless that the magic is more concentrated or not.

What is the difference between absorption and exposure to Yri? The more exposed is someone to it the more they are able to store in their own body, which in a sense increases their capacity of how much they can contain. On average a person who is exposed to it in a scarce area of Yri, will spend nearly 30 years of continuous exposure to it until they reach their limit of how much magic they can store. But a person who is living in a dense area of Yri, will spend only 20 years of continuous exposure to it to reach their limit. There are extreme cases where this period can be reduced to days through special ways.