GW2 Lore Theory: Void/Dark Aurene

Alright peepos, I think I started to connect some dots, I have absolutely no idea where am I going with this, just as usual(!), but there are things that are slowly making sense to me. But I can assure you already, this will be a DEEP DIVE!

Alright, you I hope you peepos understand that Aurene is the “Prismatic Elder Dragon”. She isn’t just crystal… she is a literal PRISM. She isn’t the same type as Kralkatorrik was, despite being related to him, Kralkatorrik was more crystal and lightning style, and only Glint was eventually more crystalline-like.

SO! You peepos probably know about the Gen 3 Legendary weapon sets, right? How Aurene’s theme is the base of the whole set:

And so Arenanet also revealed later that it’s not just Aurene’s theme, but the other Elder Dragons’ as well, EXCEPT the Deep Sea Dragon’s theme, which obviously we do not know YET! But, think about it… it makes sense… doesn’t it?

Consider the other elder dragons as different wavelength of pure light. You see where I’m going? Aurene IS a prism. From her base, you strangely get the rest of the already defeated Elder Dragon’s themes…

What a strange coincidence, isn’t it? As if Aurene both represents “light” and being a prism as well. Why I include light if she is a prism, well exactly that’s why! Let’s not forget when I say “light” I basically mean the different magic of Tyria, all that flowing energy and raw magic. It is why she simply cannot seem to be corrupted by magic either, she is, no not the “core” of all magic, but in the sense that she is supposed to easily manage and share all the magic she has, she cannot be corrupted by any of them or any of its quantity, unlike other Elder Dragons struggled with it, because it is simply her “role” as an actual prism, to be able to both handle all “wavelength” of magic and any amount of it and then share it and break it up!

Alright, let’s go back a bit to Path of Fire cinematic. Remember Vision of Glint? This one right here!

Do you peeps notice how the whole cinematic start? It actually starts with a white glowing thing in the middle, which then the other six little pyramids appear at the points of the shape, which are obviously represents the other Elder Dragons and their somewhat thematic colors. From top, clock-wise you have the pyramids representing: Jormag, Zhaitan, DSD, Kralkatorrik, Primordus and Mordremoth.

The middle stays white, it’s literally a prism, even the rainbow-like light shows that right at the beginning, it’s not simply just a flare effect, it is supposed to be like that, the prism symbolically, or even literally, breaks the light into different wavelengths and you get the rainbow effect! It does make sense, isn’t it?

Now let’s dwell deeper!

It quickly transitions with zooming into one of the random little pyramids, which is supposed to be Mordremoth’s pyramid, however notice how it doesn’t even resemble Mordremoth, neither Zhaitan if you would argue that the darker green isn’t Mordry, but Zhaitan, however I assume the yellow-green, more rotting and pestilence representing color is Zhaitan’s.

NOW! How is it that the Dragon inside this pyramid is so… so dark? No Elder Dragon has this particular color, not even Kralky!

Now, as the cinematic zooms back out, aka comes out of this pyramid, you see that it more turned into a tip of an actual pyramid, however, did you notice how the darkness inside gets all overwhelmed quickly by light?

Alright, there is one thing I should mention before I go on more, the middle “prism” I mention, might not have been Aurene previously, but a certain power to balance the magic circling around on Tyria. But right now, I believe that Glint’s so called legacy is actually Aurene herself. Why, you ask?

I believe all the other pyramids that weirdly represent the other ED’s might not be the ED’s themselves, but instead those Dragons taking up those representative powers/magic those little pyramids are supposed to be, the different kind of magic you have existing in GW.

Therefor, since Glint seen this whole… system of magic that is balanced, she was able to create Aurene based on this, to become that very power in the MIDDLE.

No no no, again, don’t get me wrong, she isn’t the core of all magic, nope! Not at all! But she is in fact a certain middle point that can handle all of that magic without any issue, but then why does this cinematic say that the balance can be broken and it all begins to collapse into a, I shall quote, VOID?

“But when two Elder Dragons were unexpectedly eliminated from the cycle at one time, we believe it created a void. A void that caused the system to break down and the collapse to begin.”

– Vision of Glint

So what if that void is actually the opposite of the light? In many fantasy the void is always the complete opposite of the light, which currently is our little “prism” as well. Our current light and prism is Aurene!

The cinematic goes on and shows how Glint and someone else, probably representing Tyrians in a way, are mending this prism, and the system itself to be able to share and circulate the magic around. But actually, it may make more sense again if I show this scene:

What a coincidence that that strange little “magic” is coming from Glint’s eyes, it’s almost like her eyes represent her ability to foresee the future, a prophecy. Then you have another figure, sharing their own magic, you know what they say, sharing is caring. It’s companionship. I absolutely believe this is supposed to represent the creation of or the idea of Aurene and the source of her abilities in a way.

How strange she is strong because the commander is her companion, and has the ability as well to foresee a certain future, just as we seen her having visions of her own death against Kralkatorrik.

Alright, so they are fixing the whole Prism in the middle to regain balance, in some way or form. However… do you notice something really weird during this moment? Yes, I’m talking about this:

The void is often represented by either black or with some purple mix, it often resembles the fantasy colors of a black hole even. As we go on we then get to zoom out of a sudden pyramid again, however, you notice how the entire thing is basically inverted? How… strange.

Mostly because if you invert the colors of the pyramid, you get the typical bright blue color back, strange it is the opposite of what it supposed to be at this very moment, with all that suspicious purple inside. And then suddenly it turns bright blue colors again, but oh wait, as you see this quick scene zooming out of your focus:

Well, if you look at it even now, you can actually see that it is in fact, a dragon! Here let me invert this image for you!

It is undeniably a dragon, yes it is somewhat of a weird coincidence it has all fiery colors, but considering the color scheme of this particular cinematic, the light blue was chosen here to hide the dragon figure in it since the scene transitions back into the light blue pyramid and zooms out of it.

So the cinematic goes and says:

“We theorize these vacancies must be filled with entities that circulate and share magic rather than hoard it. Only then will the balance of magic truly become stable. Only then will Glint’s legacy achieve its ultimate purpose.”

– Vision of Glint

So it says these vacancies must be filled with entities. Alright, we have Aurene, where is the other? Oh how weird there was two force eliminated, and only Aurene filled one spot while also being theoretically the “prism” in the middle. If you ask how is that possible, it’s because that prism is now not only a possible force to be explained, but also an entity, who can share and circulate and contain magic, again I will just repeat myself. PRISM!

Alright, alright, why is this even related to End of Dragons? Well, if you read the title of this article/theory, my theory is that there has to be… a void Aurene, or a dragon similar to Aurene who is the complete opposite of her. Which is possible via the mists, it is in fact canon that Tyria has alternate realities via the mist, thanks to our very much canon Asura personal story-line. But it is also possible, that in a particular alternate time-line, Aurene because not the representation of light… but darkness, void.

Let’s move onto the new End of Dragons Gameplay Feature Trailer below:

First of all, we have Aetherblades back, who as usual, seem to use the mists with portals to travel, or at least now the surely seem to use it in one way or another! The scene at 1:13 perfectly shows this Mist portal we seen previously with the Kralky fight.

Now I would like to point out a little weird detail, that might be just some coincidence, but it may actually add up and make sense. The scene at 1:44 with this new big boss? Notice the weird black goo-like magic with such weird prismatic chromatic aberration effect? It’s nearly the same style of effect that Aurene has, but instead of being all white and yellow and bright… it is all black.

Now I would like to mention, that there is some fine line in the trailer around 1:43 until the end

“Everything Dragon’s Watch has fought for… it all comes down to this. The secrets of Cantha. The secrets of the Dragons. We have to uncover them all. Before it’s too late.”

– EoD Gameplay Features Trailer

And at the end we just stare at this broken Harvest Temple (where Shiro Tagachi was first killed in GW: Factions cinematic), having this bright light slowly surrounded by the same similar magic, but completely pitch black with soft purple tint and chromatic effects?

Also I might mention while I’m here, what a weird coincidence this is the Harvest Temple, acting almost the same way I theorized previously in my previous article. So that it is a weak spot between our Tyria and the Mist itself, which obviously would explain why the Harvest Temple was used to commune with the Gods, or well, with Dwayna particularly. This spot was perfect to break the veil between our reality and the Mists, a path to other time-lines and realities. Which actually would make further more sense this way, a Void Aurene trying to take over or come to our world or slowly seeping through the Mists.

Another weird thing, which might be just obvious coincidence, but might be probably an idea giver for this whole plot and theory idea as well… are the achievement weapon skins. Isn’t it strange how we have a light crystal based weapon skin set, and then later on they introduced the complete opposite theme with dark energy-like look? 🙂 Zenith vs Pinnacle, one all glowing, yellow/white although less prismatic/chromatic effect, however the Pinnacle set does have a chromatic/prismatic effect.

While these skins might be completely irrelevant since they were added way before the idea and plot line of Aurene and where it turned out to be, the IDEA however… can be used! 🙂

Oh by the way, strangely the end of their trailer for once… uses a dark theme, instead of the usual white and watery cyan blue color schemes, how weird! :p

My conclusion: There has to be a Void or Dark Aurene, it’s either Evil or on our side who is from a different reality of Tyria via the Mists, as I mentioned, it would make sense with my theory of why Cantha works and looks the way it is now, which is also taken from this particular alternate Tyria. My theory is that Aurene in that Tyria is the opposite of our Aurene, and on a completely different time-line, very likely in the Future, since perhaps Joon, as I theorized previously, seen that future where Aurene is not prismatic, but Void and they look to prevent that future. Either way, there is a lot to swap around on that idea.

Also if I may, let’s nor forget the ending art of the whole EoD Trailer!

Again, what a strange coincidence, looks exactly like Aurene… all prismatic, yet… so, so dark. Lurking in the background. Yes, the huge Aurene-like dragon head with the two eyes staring at you!

Well, with that, thank you for reading all of this nonsense! Well, probably nonsense, but who knows, maybe I am right in a way or another! Hah! That’s the fun in theorizing on lore!

Comments (5)

  • The logo of EoD itsefs seems to go well with this theory : two opposite dragons, of opposite colors… I really love this theory!

  • Like a detective you carried out a thorough investigation
    If you are right here is what I imagine for the plot: During our “visit” to Cantha, the fight vs the Aetherblade will create some kind of “Thaumanova incident”, the Mysts will be shattered and the multiverse will be threaten to collapse if we don’t fix it.
    In order to do that we will go to Neo-Kaineng wich is an alternate version of Kaineng and there we will meet the “dark” Aurene.

  • Love this theory but whats gona happen to DSD? Either the story will be lenghty or idk how we will take care of Void Aurene and DSD.

  • AHH I like this theory!

    I don’t think the Void Aurene necessarily comes from an alternate Tyria, though. It doesn’t even have to be Aurene; Glint originally had multiple scions. I also don’t think this Void role is necessarily evil or antagonistic; I just think Void and Prism balance each other – much as Jormag and Primordus were opposites. But opposite doesn’t necessarily mean antagonistic, if both forces are interested in preserving Tyria.

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