Uru’Mara is the name of the colossal creature that wanders through Nysh continuously.
Uru’Mara is a gigantic elemental creature, that mostly resembles a wolf with much longer legs ending with hooves, while its head is a mixture of a dragon’s jaw the rest is a wolf head with big antlers that reaches to the back. This creature has an elemental energy-like core and its whole body consists of earth-like plates with other different materials in between the plates. Due to its natural energy, and that it is often exposed to sunlight and weather, plants are grown on its back and its antler-like part. Smaller dense vegetation has grown on most of its plates, which causes it to look like it has soft fur on many areas that are exposed to weather.
It is an alien race not native to Nysh, but is found on many planets scattered around the universe. It received its name on Nysh from the two distinctive sounds it makes “Uru” and “Mara”, while it does make other sounds that seem to be alien words as well, this two are the ones it repeats most often. Very little people seem to know anything about this creature, but many people enjoy studying it. These elemental species are created (as an offspring, so to say) when two similar elementals live up all of their energies, thus dying. When one of them dies, an elemental essence is left behind within their remains. If another elemental dies near the remains, – as they naturally try to find a living partner or dead remains of them to die next to -, their essences try combine which causes a smaller elemental storm. During this period the fusing essences are invulnerable to nearly every force, and upon successfully fusing themselves into a single new elemental energy, it will launch itself into space. In space it attempts to attract nearby debris and other substances to form a shell around the core energy, which allows it to land properly on other planets.
Upon landing the shell will break completely, or in some cases burn away entirely, but the energy will always land on a solid surface. From this point, the elemental energy absorbs a part of its environment to create a basic shape to form around and create a living shell around itself to cover its exposed energy. They will always try to partially mimic certain animals’ shapes or looks, therefore all of them look different from each other. Their lifespans are extremely long and they don’t exactly have anything that effectively hunts them or kills them, they are extremely defensive and sturdy, the more developed their plates are, the more dense and impenetrable they become. These shells are also extremely resistant to weather and many kind of natural disasters.
Despite its looks, Uru’Mara is a completely non-hostile, rather friendly and seemingly curious being. In fact, its entire race is friendly and a curious kind. While generally they are relatively primitive compared to many other races, they understand emotions and gestures and are pretty aware of their surroundings. It is also very careful and delicate with its walk, it always tries to avoid populated areas or settlements and forests if possible. Even though its body is made out of heavy earth-like plates and similar materials, it is able to swim, as it just floats on the surface of the water, only its legs reach into the water to push itself forward.
Uru’Mara needs no food or water or similar substances to survive, as this type of elemental converts light into energy. They purely live by being exposed to the sun, thus they also mostly wander on planets, trying to stay on a more lighted area. Its sight and perception is worse in the dark, which also slows down their movement. People quickly figured out, that illuminating settlements during the night helps it avoiding accidental stomping of the place.
People on Nysh can’t really get used to its loud and echoing sounds, even if it repeats some of them maximum twice a day, but its very rare during the night. It has a very slow movement, it takes roughly a month for it to go around the planet without any breaks while avoiding settlements. A lot of times can people observe it standing around or laying down as it curiously observes its surrounding. It has been noted before, that people seen Uru’Mara lay down beside bigger cities or other towns as it kept observing its people.
Many people who study this interesting elemental creature speculate a lot about Uru’Mara. Many think the sound “Uru” might mean ‘partner’ or could be possibly a call to its parent(s), as it is observed to frequently make this sound when wandering alone, or being idle, looking up at the sky. The sound “Mara” is often heard by it when it is nearby settlements or encounters other beings in its path. However, many of these just seem to be a myth, since nobody can confirm any of it.
But perhaps one day, people will know more.