Stories and Lore

Life of the Past

// this is an older piece //

In her previous life, Noxxi wasn’t what she is currently. In her previous life she was only a young kid. She had no name, just like most, they were nameless.

Noxxi was born onto a world that had a life similar to Earth. It was a post-apocalyptic planet where the rich and power hungry took over with their somewhat advanced technology. The rich were the rulers of the planet after the apocalypse, no matter what animal were you, they used you and turned you into a tool. If they couldn’t, they got rid of it.

The only valuable humans to them were nobody, but their own researchers since they were reliant on them and their machines. They were so craving for power, that even the rich were killing each other, or at least tried to do so. Each of the leaders separated themselves in huge fortresses, they, their family and their own trusted people became untouchable to anyone, they had their machines to protect them.

The others? They were nothing but tools. Nay, less than tools. They were seen less than an insect you would step on accidentally. They were slaves. Used for experiments, killed or tortured for entertainment, used as tools.

She was one of them.

They were all kept in cages like other animals, occasionally fed only to keep them in shape so they can still do their works and orders. While she followed their orders, as she didn’t had much chance staying alive, she despised her life and existence as it was.

She simply couldn’t accept that her life can’t be more than what it is. She wanted to break out, break free, but there was no chance doing so. Anyone who just slightly resisted the orders of the leaders, were either executed or killed in arenas by machines for entertainment.

But the day has arrived where she had enough of it all. She denied her work and soon she was ordered for execution. The upper people couldn’t care that she was only a kid, in their eyes she was nothing.

She was brought to the stage of execution. To humiliate you even more in your last moments, it was made into a theater-like place where you were in the focus of the stage. All the leaders and their own men sat there as the audience, to see your pathetic death. They looked into your eyes with their smug look as they consumed food, drank and laughed at you, showing off their precious wealth, their good health and everything they had that you could never have in this world.

She… She simply couldn’t accept all of this. As she was brought to her knees, she cried and screamed. She wished for a world without war and unnecessary death, a world where people are equal and kind to each other. But at that moment this whole delusion of such world all shattered in front of her eyes, all that illusion that it may change one day, miraculously or not. That moment, she felt depression, she felt injustice, and fury that sought for revenge all swirling inside her.

Being chained down to the ground, she struggled, she just wanted to break free of all of this, all of her chains. The weapon was aimed at her, in her face, a gun was the fastest death they could have given to anyone.

The moment before the gun shot, time slowed down for her, and as the gun shot the bullet, time stopped.

She was there, between life and death.

That very moment was her immortality.

The moment… when she closed her eyes.

The moment… when she opened her eyes.

It was the moment she was and wasn’t there anymore. She saw herself, with the bullet merely in front of her face.

She closed her eyes.

She opened them.

She was there no more, she was nowhere, yet everywhere.

She was at peace.

She was where she wanted to be.

She was elsewhere.

She was home.