The World

The Nysh’Oma Alphabet

This alphabet was created by me, and I tried to make this possible to be hand written. The lower, smaller part of the alphabet was handwritten by me as a test, and I also tested them several times on paper. My goal was to create an alphabet that is possible to write fast by hand on paper… or on anything else really. I tried to avoid super fancy “alien” words as some other “alien” alphabets tend to do that people create.

the “DZ” “CS” “NY” letters and sounds are the equal with the phonetic /ˈnj/  for “NY”, the /ˈʧ/ for the “CS” and /dz/ for the “DZ”.

The language works in a phonetic way, each letter has its own sound and will always sound the same in every word written and everything written will be the same when spoken. The letter Q does not exist as it’s the same sound as K when spoken.